Comprehensive Eye Exams
What are comprehensive eye exams?
Making time for comprehensive eye exams is essential to achieve better overall health and wellness. Eye exams help determine if your vision doesn’t measure up and whether you have an eye disease. Regular eye exams with Dr. Patel are essential because some eye diseases don’t exhibit symptoms in their early stages. By seeing Dr. Patel, you can help prevent vision loss.
During each yearly or bi-yearly eye examination, Dr. Patel:
- Goes over your medical history
- Completes vision tests
- Assesses how your eyes focus and move
- Completes an eye health evaluation
Dr. Patel may recommend additional eye tests if you have signs or symptoms of eye disease — such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts — to correctly diagnose your condition.
Which are the different eye tests?
During a comprehensive eye exam, Dr. Patel completes various eye tests to determine how good your vision is and how healthy your eyes are. These tests may include:
- Eye muscle movement tests
- Visual acuity tests using eye charts
- Assessments of how well your eyes react to light
- Peripheral vision tests
- Color vision tests
- Examination of your retina
- An exam using a slit lamp, which is a microscope that magnifies the front of your eye
- Measuring your eye pressure to test for glaucoma
Dr. Patel may use numbing drops, lights, or eye machines to complete eye tests during your comprehensive eye exam. These tests are tolerated well by patients.
How often do I need an eye exam?
Dr. Patel lets you know how often to come in for comprehensive eye exams. If you’re in your 20s or 30s and have no vision problems, he may recommend scheduling eye exams less frequently than once a year.
But many times, especially if you’re over age 50, wear contacts or glasses, or have symptoms of poor vision or an eye disease, Dr. Patel suggests eye exams every year or two to maximize eye health and vision.
Do I need contacts or glasses?
During a comprehensive eye exam, Dr. Patel determines whether you require contact lenses or glasses. Eye Care Solutions offers the most up-to-date, designer eyewear brands to make a strong fashion statement, including:
- Etnia Barcelona
- Woow
- Burberry
- Tiffany’s
- Ray Bans
- Modo
- Eco
- Salt
- Morel
- Costa
If you prefer contact lenses, choose Zenlens, Acuvue, CooperVision, Alcon, or Bausch and Lomb. Call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, to schedule your next eye exam, or book an appointment online with Dr. Patel.

Contact Lenses
For an alternative to glasses, consider contact lenses. If you’ve had trouble wearing them in the past, know that advances in the field of optometry have resulted in a variety of contact lenses with a range of benefits for many vision issues and optometric diseases. At Eye Care Solutions, experienced optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel performs contact lens exams to find just the right fit for you. If you live in Milton, Georgia, call his office or book an appointment online to see if contact lenses are right for you.
Contact lenses offer many aesthetic and lifestyle advantages over glasses, and many people prefer the vision correction they can achieve with them. The following are some significant benefits of contacts:
- Perfect for contact sports or active living
- No fogging or smudging
- Better, more natural sight, as they move with your eye and allow a natural field of view
- Some people feel they look better in contacts
An exam to receive contacts is a bit more detailed than one to establish your glasses prescription. You’ll also need to commit to a slightly more diligent eye care health and lens care schedule.
What types of contact lenses are available?
Many different types of contact lenses are available today, and Dr. Patel works with you to determine the variety that best fits your vision needs and lifestyle. Various versions include:
- Rigid gas-permeable lenses that correct vision problems, including myopia
- Lenses for daily wear that are comfortable and great for active lifestyles
- Extended wear lenses that can be worn for seven, and sometimes up to 30 days straight
- Extended wear disposable lenses that are worn for seven days and then discarded
- Planned replacement wear lenses that are worn during the day for a certain period – usually two weeks or a month – then replaced
Consider the cleaning requirements, comfort level, and your goals when determining which lenses are ideal for you.
What if I cannot wear contact lenses?
People with an irregular cornea caused by a disease called keratoconus or other corneal issues may have been informed they are not eligible for vision correction with contact lenses. At Eye Care Solutions, Dr. Patel offers scleral contact lenses that have a unique design that works for these conditions.
The scleral lens sits on the white of the eye and passes over the cornea, but never touches it. The scleral lens also provides more comfort and moisture if you suffer from dry eyes and can’t tolerate wearing contacts.
If you’d like to wear contacts, call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, or use the online booking agent to schedule your exam today and find out the type that best suits you.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy causes problems with your retina, the part of your eye responsible for transferring visual information to your brain for processing. Diabetic retinopathy can cause blood vessels in the retina to leak fluid or bleed, resulting in distorted vision.

Macular Degeneration
If your vision is blurry or wavy, macular degeneration may be to blame. Experienced optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel tests for, diagnoses, and treats macular degeneration and other eye disorders at Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia. If vision problems are getting the best of you, call Dr. Patel’s office to book an appointment, or schedule one online today.
Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans ages 60 and older. This eye condition causes macula cells in your eye to die off, affecting your ability to see fine details.
There are two types of AMD: dry and wet.
Dry AMD accounts for 80% to 90% of cases and happens when the macula get thinner. Small clumps of protein begin to grow within the eye as well.
Wet AMD is more dangerous, and occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina. This condition often leads to bleeding and scarring in the macula.
Symptoms of macular degeneration are:
- Blurred vision
- Wavy vision
- Straight lines appear crooked
- Severe visual impairment in advanced stages
There are typically no symptoms in the early stages of AMD, which is why routine eye exams are so important.
How is AMD diagnosed and treated?
Even though you may not notice symptoms in the early stages of AMD, Dr. Patel can diagnose it using a variety of tests. He uses digital retinal imaging to take pictures of your eyes, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans to view cross-sectional images of your retina and macula.
There is currently no cure for AMD, but proper treatment can slow vision loss. Treatment for wet AMD might involve taking certain medications or laser surgery. If you have dry AMD, Dr. Patel may recommend nutritional supplements, changing up your diet, avoiding tobacco smoke, and protecting your eyes from UV light.
Am I at risk for AMD?
Specific groups of people are more at risk of getting AMD than others. While you may not be able to avoid risk factors such as heredity, being older than 50, and being Caucasian, some AMD risk factors are preventable. Those include:
- Having high cholesterol or heart disease
- Smoking cigarettes
- Eating a diet high in saturated fat
- Being overweight
When you’re ready to schedule an eye exam to catch AMD early and go over treatment options, call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, today, or book an appointment online with Dr. Patel.

Cataracts cause a clouding of the lens in the eye, making your vision appear to be foggy. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40 and are the leading cause of blindness in the world.

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. In its earliest phases, glaucoma has no symptoms, so regular eye health screenings are the only way to diagnose it. If you live in Milton, Georgia, or the surrounding communities, get your screenings from trusted optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel, of Eye Care Solutions. He can provide early diagnosis and management to help prevent your glaucoma from getting worse. Call the office or book online to be screened for glaucoma today.
Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve. It is often associated with elevated pressure in the eye, which progressively damages the optic nerve. You will first lose your peripheral vision and next if it is left untreated, your central vision. Eventually, glaucoma will cause permanent vision loss.
In cases in which elevated pressure is not the cause, it’s believed that glaucoma develops from weak regulation of blood flow to the optic nerve.
What puts you at risk of developing glaucoma?
While it’s good for you to undergo regular eye exams that include glaucoma screenings, you should make it a priority if you have a risk factor. These include:
- Being older than 45
- A family history of glaucoma
- Having any type of diabetes
- Being nearsighted or farsighted
If the thickness and rigidity of your cornea have decreased or if you’ve had an injury to your eye, you may also be at higher risk of developing glaucoma.
How is glaucoma diagnosed?
Dr. Patel can usually diagnose glaucoma before nerve damage sets in, and you start to lose vision. Several tests may be part of a glaucoma evaluation. These include:
- Tonometry, a sensor that determines the pressure in the eye
- Pachymetry, which measures the thickness of the cornea
- Gonioscopy, which involves numbing your eyes and placing specialized contacts onto the surface so Dr. Patel can better view the interior of the eye
- Ophthalmoscopy, a specialized device used to help Dr. Patel look directly into your pupil and assess the health of your optic nerve.
- Visual field testing, which maps the visual field to detect damage to the optic nerve
- Confocal laser scanning that provides a 3D image of the optic nerve
What is the treatment for glaucoma?
Once glaucoma has damaged your eye, it can’t be reversed. But Dr. Patel can help prevent further progression of damage.
To help manage your glaucoma, Dr. Patel prescribes individual eye drops. Other treatment options include laser surgery or conventional surgery to drain fluids that are causing increased ocular pressure on the optic nerve.
Be sure to get regular eye health screenings to detect glaucoma in its earliest stages. Call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, or book an online appointment today.

Computer Vision
Computer Vision is a relatively new term within the optometry field and refers to eye problems associated with the prolonged use of computers and electronics that utilize a digital screen. Although it can be temporary, there are times when computer vision can strain the eyes to a degree that permanently affects your vision as well.

Farsightedness, known as hyperopia, makes it difficult to see objects close by. If you are experiencing farsightedness, corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed. After a thorough examination, we will determine the prescription that’s best for you.

Myopia Control
Nearsightedness, known as myopia, makes it difficult to see objects from afar. If you are experiencing nearsightedness, corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed. After a thorough examination, we will determine the prescription that’s best for you.

If you’re tired of wearing contact lenses or glasses and want a permanent solution for vision problems, you have options. Optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel offers LASIK eye examinations and consultations at Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, to determine if you’re a good candidate for vision correction surgery. Call Eye Care Solutions today to learn more, or book a LASIK appointment online with Dr. Patel.
LASIK surgery involves an excimer laser that changes the shape of your cornea. Doing so significantly improves your vision, reducing the need to wear contacts or glasses.
LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, helps correct vision problems, such as:
- Nearsightedness
- Farsightedness
- An irregularly shaped cornea known as astigmatism
What does a LASIK examination entail?
During a LASIK examination, Dr. Patel goes over your medical history and evaluates your cornea. If you are a good candidate for LASIK surgery, he’ll refer you to a LASIK surgery center for diagnostic testing and an eligibility evaluation to find out if the procedure is right for you.
You might not be a good LASIK candidate if you have:
- An autoimmune disorder
- A weak immune system
- Persistently dry eyes
- Certain eye diseases
- Unstable vision due to medications, aging, or hormones
- Thin corneas
- Huge pupils
What should I expect during a LASIK procedure?
LASIK is a minimally invasive procedure that takes about 10 to 15 minutes for each eye. Medicine is offered to help you relax along with drops that numb the surface of your eyes. Your surgeon uses a laser to create a superficial flap on the surface of your eye, which is peeled back to expose the corneal tissue underneath.
A laser is again used to reshape the corneal tissue, and the eye flap is put back into place; it should heal without the need for stitches. You’ll be awake during a LASIK procedure and can head home the same day.
Is LASIK surgery safe?
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved lasers for use during LASIK procedures. LASIK is safe for many adults, and few people report long-term side effects. You may, however, temporarily experience dry eyes, reduced vision in dim light, but rarely any surgical complications.
What happens after LASIK surgery?
After your surgery is complete, you’ll schedule follow-up appointments with Dr. Patel at Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia. You’ll come in for follow-up care the day after surgery, at specific intervals over a six-month period, and after one year for a full eye exam.
Dr. Patel has years of experience working with LASIK patients pre- and post-surgery, and answers questions you have along the way. Call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, today to learn more, or schedule a LASIK eye consultation online with Dr. Patel.

Diabetic Eye Care
While it’s true that the primary symptom of diabetes is high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), it can lead to many other problems throughout the body, including wreaking havoc on your eyes. Some of the most common eye conditions caused by hyperglycemia are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, which occurs when the tiny blood vessels in your eyes become damaged by the high blood sugar levels over time.

Surgery Co-management
If you are interested in laser surgery, we will begin with a comprehensive eye examination, which will let us know more about you and your needs. We may have to perform some testing to properly diagnose your eye conditions. During this time, the surgeon and staff will go over what you can expect before, during and after the procedure; we want to make sure to give you realistic answers for your unique vision.

Dry Eye Treatment
You don’t have to suffer with dry, red and/or irritated eyes. Experienced optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel treats dry eyes and other symptoms to get you the relief you deserve. Call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, to learn more, or book an appointment online with Dr. Patel today.
What are the risk factors for dry eyes?
Dry Eye Syndrome is a multifactorial disease that affects many Americans every day. Specific factors increase your risk for developing this eye condition, including:
- Age, especially if you are older than 65
- Certain medications
- Autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis
- Being a woman
- Exposure to smoke, wind, and dry climates
- Eye surgery
- Long-term use of contact lenses
- Having thyroid problems, diabetes, or other chronic health conditions
How are dry eyes diagnosed?
Dr. Patel helps you determine the underlying causes of your dry eyes. He’ll go over your medical history and complete a comprehensive eye exam, as well as run various tests to help determine the type of dry eye disease you have. He may also measure the volume of your tears.
What are the symptoms of dry eyes?
Dry eyes can be a seasonal disease that often flare up during certain times of the year when allergens such as pollen or ragweed are more prevalent in the air. If you have seasonal allergies, you’ll probably experience such symptoms as:
- Dry eyes
- Itchy eyes
- Red eyes
- Bags under the eyes
Dr. Patel helps diagnose and treat symptoms related to your dry eyes, especially if they are due to seasonal allergies.
How are dry eyes treated?
Dr. Patel works with you to come up with a treatment plan for dry eyes and other allergy symptoms that works best with your lifestyle. If you have chronic dry eyes, he may recommend:
- Over-the-counter eye drops
- Prescription eye drops or ointments
For severe dry eyes, Dr. Patel may recommend tear duct plugs or other minimally invasive surgical options.
Dr. Patel may also suggest lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms of dry eyes. These may include smoking cessation, cutting back on screen time, protecting your eyes from UV radiation, increasing air humidity at home or work, drinking plenty of water, and boosting your omega-3 fatty acid intake, either from foods or supplements.
When you’re ready to ease dry eye symptoms and eliminate discomfort, call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, today to discuss treatment options with Dr. Patel, or book an appointment online.

The right glasses not only improve your vision, but they also complement your face and add to your style. At Eye Care Solutions, the team of experts lead by optometrist Dr. Vishal Patel offer all the steps you need to get the right eyeglasses for you. If you live in Milton, Georgia, or the surrounding area, call the office or book an appointment online to have your prescription set and then select from a wide-range of frame styles and looks.
An eyeglass exam is part of a comprehensive eye exam, during which Dr. Patel checks your visual acuity and eyes’ health. He’ll look into your eyes, searching for signs of glaucoma and diabetes, as well as run specific tests that measure the sharpness of your vision, determine your prescription strength, and examine how your eyes work in conjunction with one another.
All of this information helps him develop just the right prescription for lenses, which are then made in a laboratory and set into the frames you choose.
Why is it important to choose the right frames?
Glasses say a lot about your style. They’re one of the first things people notice about you. At Eye Care Solutions, the staff works with you in finding the right frames that match your taste and complement your face. Other considerations when choosing frames include:
- Your budget
- Lifestyle
- Vision needs
What type of glasses work best for my face shape?
Your face is either round, square, diamond, oval, or heart-shaped. A different kind of frame looks best on each of these. For example, square or rectangular frames can make a round face appear slimmer and more extended. Geometric, wide frames compliment an oval face. Oval and round frames help reduce the angular look of a square face. Cat-eye shaped frames or oval frames help balance out a diamond face. If you have a heart-shaped face, go for round or square eyeglasses with curved edges to bring attention away from your forehead.
What color eyeglass frame should I choose?
The best color glasses complement your skin tone. If you have a warm complexion, avoid pastels and go for tortoise, browns, honey-colored, or olive frames. Those with a cool skin tone with pink or blue undertones do best with silver, black, purple, gray, and even pink frames.
How does my lifestyle affect my eyeglass frame selection?
Active people may select frames that are flexible and bend with your movement. Also, think about the image you want to present – is it artistic, professional, or nerdy? Frames can say a lot about who you are and how you spend your time. And, you don’t have to choose just one pair. You can have a set of frames that you wear to the office and one that highlights a more fun-loving side that you have on the weekends.
For the best lens prescription and a wide variety of frame choices, call Eye Care Solutions in Milton, Georgia, or book an appointment online.